How to declare static fields

private static int numberOfObjects = 0; private static double majorityPercent = .51; public static final int DAYS_IN_JANUARY = 31; public static final float EARTH_MASS_IN_KG = 5.972e24F; *******************************************************

A class that contains a static constant and a static method

public class FinancialCalculations { public static final int MONTH_IN_YEAR = 12; public static double calculateFutureValue(double monthlyPayment, double yearlyInterestRate, int years) { int months = years * MONTHS_IN_YEAR; double monthlyInterestRate = yearlyInterestRate/MONTHS_IN_YEAR/100; double futureValue = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= months; i++) futureValue = (futureValue + monthlyPayment) * (1 + monthlyInterestRate); return futureValue; } } *******************************************************

The Product class with a static variable and a static method

public class Product { private String code; private String description; private double price; private static int objectCount = 0; // declare a static variable public Product() { code = ""; description = ""; price = 0; objectCount++; // update the static variable } public static int getObjectCount() // get the static variable { return objectCount; } ... } page 207
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